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Check out the pictures of this year’s Hackathon in Strasbourg.
Check out the pictures of this year’s Hackathon in Strasbourg.
Click here to get a taste of all the previous Hackathons in Strasbourg and Bordeaux.
Back to the homely Paris region after spending two years in Strasbourg, I didn’t just bring home a couple bags of Spätzle, the finest traditional pasta from Eastern France – I also had my certificate of advanced technician’s with me (BTS), majoring in Graphic Design and minoring in Digital Media.
Then a fresh web designer graduate, I decided I wanted to broaden my horizons. I started dabbling with the web and got into the Web Development and Mobile Application vocational training of Cergy-Pontoise, in the Paris area, that offered me a wealth of learning opportunities. Between a Symfony course and a practical work on Ruby On Rails, the fast-paced atmosphere of this wonderful year enabled me to develop strong and reliable competencies.
While juggling between classes and work, I started earning my stripes by the remarkable team of the web agency Point-Barre. With them, I have been working in perhaps the best-fitting sector: Web Design. Just like that, I’m slowly specialising in web development using WordPress – and I’m growing to love it.
I’m visiting the friends I made in Strasbourg, making new ones over in Bordeaux, in the Southwest, and working as an event photographer. That is when my first Hackathons – the first of many – takes place.
Between photography, graphic design and web programming, I am a polyvalent and enthusiastic collaborator and am always up to face a variety of challenges.